A clear vision of #Democracy from... 1840?


  1. I am wall aware of what's going on with AGW, pollution and IQ distribution, although IQ is mostly a measure of how well we'll do in school.
    In any case, what we'll do from now on won't stopp the Earth from warming up, quite probably into a Hothouse state (no ice at the poles).
    And all the other issues, over-fishing, acidification and so on...
    In my latest article on Le Climatoblogue (it's in French), most forest and soils are cow carbon sources.
    And while most have an eye on Arctic methane hydrates, I learned today: Massive degassing of gas hydrates and global warming
    "To find out the level of degassing of the deposits, researchers have studied the upper limit of the stability zone at the Rio Grande fan on the Brazilian margin. They analysed a vast network of geophysical, geological and geochemical data, acquired during several oceanographic campaigns using, among others, AUV and ROV underwater robots. They observed a massive flow of methane in this zone, composed of hundreds of gas escape points that move up the water column."

    So yeah, we are in very deep shit!

  2. It has to do with education, not IQ.
    And it has to do with addiction, like the addiction to profits, comfort, and all those other things that make us feel we're better than (almost) everyone else.
    I think the corporate medias failed us big time, but their business models...


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